Publishers and Literary Agents:
I currently copy-edit and proofread for one of the 'Big Five' publishing houses as well as lots of small but mighty indie presses. I am happy to take on copy-editing and proofreading projects on a freelance basis from publishers, large and small.
I currently copy-edit and proofread for one of the 'Big Five' publishing houses as well as lots of small but mighty indie presses. I am happy to take on copy-editing and proofreading projects on a freelance basis from publishers, large and small.
- Are you a literary agent?
- Are you a publisher?
- Do you want to recommend to your client an eagle-eyed and efficient editor?
I can help you make your manuscript shine and stand out from the crowd.
- Are you planning to self-publish?
- Are you preparing to submit to agents and publishers?
I can help you make your manuscript shine and stand out from the crowd.
However you want to express yourself, I can help you connect with your creativity on my creative writing courses or via one-to-one book-coaching.
- Do you have a story bursting to get out?
- Do you catch yourself making up poems in your head on country walks?
- Do you want to record your own, or a loved one's, life story for your family?
However you want to express yourself, I can help you connect with your creativity on my creative writing courses or via one-to-one book-coaching.
I can help you finesse your customer-facing content to make that all-important professional first impression. Students and Academics:
I can proofread your Humanities/Social Sciences dissertation or thesis to ensure you make that all-important grade.