Book Review on the Radio
Following on from my interview with her, I'm blown away by this fantastic review of 'Fitful Head: A Ghost Story' by Hannah Kate on Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM. The review is at 26:00, but do listen to the whole show: it's a booklover's treasure trove.
Listen to the review here
Following on from my interview with her, I'm blown away by this fantastic review of 'Fitful Head: A Ghost Story' by Hannah Kate on Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM. The review is at 26:00, but do listen to the whole show: it's a booklover's treasure trove.
Listen to the review here

Recent Radio Interview
I love Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM. It's a booklover's treasure trove, and Hannah Kate is a big champion of Greater Manchester writers. We chatted about books, writing, editing... you name it. Click the pic to go to the show. You'll find my interview around 1:26 in, but the whole show is well worth a listen.
I love Hannah's Bookshelf on North Manchester FM. It's a booklover's treasure trove, and Hannah Kate is a big champion of Greater Manchester writers. We chatted about books, writing, editing... you name it. Click the pic to go to the show. You'll find my interview around 1:26 in, but the whole show is well worth a listen.
Messing With Your Head.
CJ Harter interviewed by writer and book blogger RJ Plant. Click on the title to go there.
I loved this chat. Lots of fun.
CJ Harter interviewed by writer and book blogger RJ Plant. Click on the title to go there.
I loved this chat. Lots of fun.

17 May 2019...
I'll be in conversation with bestselling crime writers David Beckler and Antony Johnston at Wigan and Leigh libraries on Monday 20 May 2019 to celebrate National Crime Writing Month.
See a news article about the event here.
I'll be in conversation with bestselling crime writers David Beckler and Antony Johnston at Wigan and Leigh libraries on Monday 20 May 2019 to celebrate National Crime Writing Month.
See a news article about the event here.
We're on a roll. Rowan's Well is a finalist in the Words With Jam First Page Competition

Rowan's Well has won a coveted Chill With A Book Readers' Award!

More success for "Fitful Head"... and it's not even published yet!
From 3112 entries worldwide, "Fitful Head" has made it to the final 25 novels in the UK SCC Novel-Writing Competition. Watch this space for more news on this in coming weeks.
From 3112 entries worldwide, "Fitful Head" has made it to the final 25 novels in the UK SCC Novel-Writing Competition. Watch this space for more news on this in coming weeks.

Pulp Idol Firsts goes to press!
The Pulp Idol Firsts 2017 anthology, containing my prize-winning first chapter of upcoming novel "Fitful Head", is now available from bookshops and from Amazon here:
The Pulp Idol Firsts 2017 anthology, containing my prize-winning first chapter of upcoming novel "Fitful Head", is now available from bookshops and from Amazon here:
Exciting News!
I've won second prize for Fitful Head in the international Writing On The Wall Pulp Idol first chapter competition!
At the Final on May 27th, twelve finalists had to read their first chapters to a panel of judging agents, publishers and authors, and answer their questions about the work. Incredibly nerve-racking but so thrilling when they announced me in second place.
Look out for an anthology due in December of all twelve finalists' first chapters. It'll be guessed it... Firsts.
Want to hear me reading the first chapter that won the coveted Second Prize?
Here it is...
I've won second prize for Fitful Head in the international Writing On The Wall Pulp Idol first chapter competition!
At the Final on May 27th, twelve finalists had to read their first chapters to a panel of judging agents, publishers and authors, and answer their questions about the work. Incredibly nerve-racking but so thrilling when they announced me in second place.
Look out for an anthology due in December of all twelve finalists' first chapters. It'll be guessed it... Firsts.
Want to hear me reading the first chapter that won the coveted Second Prize?
Here it is...
Recent TV interview
Bay TV Liverpool's "About Books" show invited me along to talk about "Rowan's Well" and my soon-to-be-published novel "Fitful Head". The conversation ranged from fathers to ghosts, from the joys of self-publishing to the wisdom of giving up gainful employment to dedicate oneself to writing. Clue: it isn't wise...don't do it.
My interview is about 11 minutes into the show, though the first feature is interesting too.
Bay TV Liverpool's "About Books" show invited me along to talk about "Rowan's Well" and my soon-to-be-published novel "Fitful Head". The conversation ranged from fathers to ghosts, from the joys of self-publishing to the wisdom of giving up gainful employment to dedicate oneself to writing. Clue: it isn't wise...don't do it.
My interview is about 11 minutes into the show, though the first feature is interesting too.
Bay TV liked my interview above so much, they asked me back as interviewer!
Here's my first go at it with the lovely Sue O'Connell, author of "The Man Who Saved FC Barcelona". It's a fascinating story. Have a look...
And here's my interview with Mary Clinton on a blustery balcony at FACT in Liverpool city centre. The picture quality isn't great, but the sound's fine. Treat it as a radio interview! I'm guesting at Mary's Reading Group Coffee And Books event at Waterstones, Birkenhead on Tuesday 26 April 6-8pm. Come along and get your copy of "Rowan's Well" signed... or indeed buy a copy.
More media coverage...
About the Fitful Head: A Ghost Story launch. Click the button to read the article.
About the Fitful Head: A Ghost Story launch. Click the button to read the article.